Prices & conditions


Year subscription

1 lesson per week

 € 31,00 per month

Student rate

€ 27,00

Monthly terminable

1 lesson per week

 € 34,00 per month

Student rate

€ 29,50

Year subscription

2 lessons per week

 € 46,00 per month

Student rate

€ 37,00

Monthly terminable

2 lessons per week

 € 49,00 per month

Student rate

€ 39,00

Year subscribtion

3 lessons per week

 € 58,00 per month

Student rate

€ 50,00

Monthly terminable

3 lessons per week

 € 61,00 per month

Student rate

€ 53,00

Unlimited lessons


 € 70,00 per month

Student rate


10 lesson cards


 € 100,00



Children's lessons (up to 18 yr.)

1 lesson per week

 € 26,50



Children's lessons (up to 18 yr.)

2 lessons per week

 € 36,50




10 Lesson card: Payment in advance & valid for 4 months
Student discount is only valid up to the age of 21 and on presentation of a student pass
A monthly cancellable subscription means: minimum participation of 3 months & 1 month notice period.
One-off registration fee € 25.00 Adults € 15.00 Children No lessons during the school holidays.
All subscriptions are tacitly renewed without written notice.
Annual subscription is automatically converted to monthly subscription after 1 year.
Cancellation is only possible in writing with a notice period of 1 calendar month.
A monthly cancellable contract is concluded for a minimum of 3 months.
Contribution per month by direct debit